Surplus Sale

The City of Franklin, KY will sell Surplus items through an ONLINE AUCTION on GOVDEALS.COM
The auction will be conducted at
beginning Friday, November 3, 2023, at 5:00 PM CST and
will end Sunday, November 12, 2023, at 6:00 PM CST.
Item descriptions, photographs and the auction process
instructions and information are available at
The general public is encouraged to participate in this online auction.
No bids or payments will be accepted at City Hall.
The City of Franklin reserves the right to accept or reject any bids.

Surplus Property

Real Estate

In 2016 the City of Franklin established guidelines and procedures for a property re-use program. The purpose of the program was to establish a predictable and functional uniform policy and procedure governing the disposition of certain real property that is surplus to the needs of the City of Franklin, Kentucky that has been acquired by the City by and through certain code enforcement procedures, condemnations, or donations, which were blighted or deteriorated properties which can be redeveloped, rehabilitated or reused for higher and better proper and lawful uses.

The Ordinance governing the program is Ordinance No. 2016-010.

Questions concerning the program should be directed to Community Development Director, Tammie Carey at (270) 482-5528 or

Steps for Acquiring a City Owned Property

As properties come available publicize the lots that are available. Advertise on the website, in the local newspaper and announce at the City Commission meeting.

Community members inquire about property. An information packet is sent out to the community member by the Community Development Director.

The community member puts together a proposal for the property they are interested in following the guidelines as stated in the packet.

Once a complete proposal is received by the City, notification requirements are started. Publicly owned properties must be advertised or offered to any interested party for a two-week time period. A sign is placed on the property and a notice is published in the Franklin Favorite that states that the property is available. During this two-week time period, any other interested person(s) can submit a competing proposal. Once the deadline has passed, the proposals are gathered and included on the agenda for the next Property Maintenance Board meeting.

The proposal(s) is then included in the packet for the next meeting of the Property Maintenance Board.

At the Property Maintenance Board the proposal is discussed and scoring criteria is completed by the Board.

Once a determination is made by the Property Maintenance Board, the Community Development Director will contact the community member and work with them to transfer the deed.

Once a deed is transferred the Community Development Director will monitor the progress of the property improvements and ensure the new owner maintains the property and builds as described in their proposal.

If a property owner does not follow through on the development of the property as stated in their proposal then the Property Maintenance Board will review the situation and have the option to take the ownership of the property.

The Board has the discretion to accept or reject any or all proposals.

Acquiring a City Owned Property

The City of Franklin is offering properties for purchase to individuals interested in acquiring them. The City has acquired properties through the years by donations, code enforcement, condemnation and a variety of other reasons. If you are interested in obtaining a property from the City of Franklin, contact the Community Development Director at (270) 482-5528.

Transfer of property will be based on the best evaluated use of the property, highest bid, time frame to complete improvements and compliance with applicable codes. To be considered for these properties, bidders must be current on City taxes and have no existing liens on any property currently owned in the City of Franklin. Bidders cannot have had any code violations that resulted in a citation being issued on any properties within the City of Franklin within the last two years. The City of Franklin reserves the right to reject any or all proposals submitted.

Step 1 - Select a Property

View the available properties and choose a property and an area that you would like to live or have as rental property. Then decide on your budget. Before you meet with a representative of the City, we ask that you meet with the financial institution of your choice, to help determine your project budget range. The Franklin Property Maintenance Board does not require any specific details about your financial situation.

Step 2 - Make a proposal

The City Community Development Director will assist you in getting your proposal ready for the Property Maintenance Board. All proposal requirements must be met and a complete proposal submitted to the board before it will be considered.

The proposal requirements must include at a minimum:

  • Offer for the purchase of the property
  • Intended use of the property
  • Detailed rehab plans and all changes and improvements necessary both to meet code requirements as well as to provide for the intended use
  • Detailed illustrations of floor plans and use of space
  • Front, side and rear elevations of exterior facades including any significant architectural details. Drawings/renderings must be large, clear, and detailed.
  • Firm third party detailed estimate of construction costs from an engineer, architect or contractor
  • Estimated firm timeline indicating the duration of the project from start to finish
  • Proof of financial ability to complete the project from a lending institution
  • A list of all property owned within the City of Franklin

Surplus Property Form

Step 3 - Consideration by the Property Maintenance Board

Once a complete proposal is received by the City, notification requirements are started. Publicly owned properties must be advertised or offered to any interested party for a two-week time period. A sign is placed on the property and a notice is published in the Franklin Favorite that states that the property is available. During this two-week time period, any other interested person(s) can submit a competing proposal for the Property Maintenance Board to consider. Once the deadline has passed, the proposals are gathered and included on the agenda for the next Board meeting.

Step 4 - Decisions

The Property Maintenance Board will meet and review the proposals submitted.

  • Priority is given for owner occupied properties
  • Priority is given for uses which serve the highest and best use of the property, in the opinion of the board.
  • Priority is given for start to finish projects with a reasonable time line included.
  • Consideration will be given to properties that will be developed and sold.

The Property Maintenance Board typically will make decisions about the transfer of the property at their meeting. Once a decision is made, you have controlling interest of the property based on the proposal requirements and any conditions placed on the approval of the transfer. The board’s counsel then will set up the deed transfer and closing, at which the property will be placed in your name. A restriction is placed on all deeds that require the proposal requirements be completed. Any violation of the terms of the proposal may result in forfeiture of the property along with any improvements made. This is to ensure the project is completed and to protect the taxpayer’s investment.

Step 5 - Construction

Once the property has been transferred into your name and the design has been approved, you will need to work with Planning and Zoning to obtain a building permit and adhere to any zoning regulations. Once a building permit is issued, construction can begin.

Step 6 - Maintenance

The property must be properly maintained before, during and after construction.

Personal Property
Please check back soon for information!!